Friday, April 13, 2012

Problems with U.S. education

I couldn't agree more that our education system is in need of a huge makeover. In my classmate's blog, "Crisis of Education in America", the stats listed are horrible. The drop out and illiteracy rate are way too high. I was unaware so many college students would fail to obtain a degree also. I think it is right to say that this is the fault of the public education system for not adequately preparing students for college. I can see the high amount of drops myself just by looking at the parking at the campus I take classes at. When the semester starts, I can barely find parking if I am too early or run late, but by the middle to end of the semester I can easily find parking at almost any time. I disagree, though, that educators should be held accountable for all of our education issues in public schooling. I understand that some are at fault, but there are other reasons our education system isn't doing well.

For one, parents need to get more involved in their children's lives. Many problems can be resolved by the parents knowing what is going on at school and in their child's personal lives. If a child is falling behind, a little extra time working on those certain subjects at home can resolve the problem or a tutor can be hired if necessary. If the parent is involved, they can get problems taken care of right away instead of letting the child get farther and farther behind.

I think another big problem is also the fact that we have summer vacation. I know kids love it, but it is so detrimental to their education, which has a huge impact on the rest of their lives. Children in other countries, such as Japan, go to school all year round and the students are much more advanced than ours. Their school day is also much longer than our kids. If we put more time into our kids education future generations will really benefit, we could move back up in the ranks of education, and get more people getting a college degree!

I agree that we do need to put more money into public education. If we can get more kids educated now, it could costs less for us in the long run and also for future generations of taxpayers. The more educated and successful students become could possibly lead to less people needing government assistance considering the financial benefits that come from getting an education. This could cut a huge expense for the country since so many people participate in government assistance programs. Investing more time and money into educating our kids could do great things for our country's future!

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