Friday, February 24, 2012

Birth Control Ban?

In the editorial "How the Catholic Church almost came to accept birth control" posted on February 21, 2012, Elaine Tyler May is addressing the American public with a question as to the reason we are still debating birth control use in the U.S. She is geared towards the audience that is pro birth control. She brings a strong arguement to her case bringing up the fact that at one point in time, the Catholic church almost lifted its ban on birth control use because the use of contraceptives was so widely accepted. She also says there are many well respected Catholics who disagree with the ban. She says they cannot really even enforce their own ban because many Catholics use contraceptives regularly. She does not understand why this is still being fought over when this battle was won a long time ago. I definitely agree with May on this subject. I don't understand why this is even worth being debated when contraception is very important here in the U.S. and its not going to stop being used. We should be focusing on more important matters.

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